Join a Research Study

Clinical Trials for Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety Disorder arises from a complex interaction between the environment and the human biological system. Inherited traits, brain structure, and environment all can play a role in leading to intense fear, anxiety, and avoidance in social situations. Our studies seek to make advancements in the treatment methods for Social Anxiety.
Facts About Social Anxiety
Common Situations that are typically Avoided or Feared:
- Attending work or school
- Entering a room where people are already seated
- Returning items to a store
- Calling someone in public
- Making eye contact
- Dating
- Attending parties or social gatherings
- Using a public restroom
- Easting in front of others
Behavioral Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder include:
- Fear of interacting with strangers
- Worry of embarrassing or humiliating oneself
- Avoidance of being the center of attention out of fear of embarrassment
- Intense fear and anxiety during social situations
- Analysis of one’s performance in a social encounter after it happened
- Expectation of worst outcome from a negative experience during a social encounter.
Physical Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder include:
- Trembling
- Sweating
- Dizziness
- Muscle Tension
- Rapid heartbeat
- Blushing
- Nausea
- Fast breathing
About the Study
Our research center aims to reduce social anxiety through innovative treatments. We are currently enrolling men and women between the ages of 18 – 65 who are diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder or believe to be suffering from symptoms of social anxiety. All study related visits, laboratory work, study medication, and all study related procedures including physical exams are provided at no cost to those who qualify for study. Qualified participants will receive compensation for time and travel. Other criteria for eligibility will be discussed with interested persons, without obligation, when calling the telephone number of your nearest site. Please go to our contact page for ways to inquire about this study.
More Information
If you, or someone you know, suffers from Social Anxiety, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. Our studies seek to determine the safety and efficacy of an investigational drug for the treatment of those with this condition. For more information please contact us.